Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Six of Clubs

More commonly called "the six," Corvin Thompson's little gang are known small time thugs. The group includes the following members:

-Corvin Thompson (male human) Gang leader. This one has the most brains. He's cruel and a bully, but lacks intimidation due to his size. He's very bold with the other members guarding his back. He barks a lot, but never bites in public. Crossing him in public could get you a private beating shortly thereafter.

-Ivan Thompson (male human) Corvin's brother. This brute is a huge 22 year old. He's the muscle of the gang. All his talents are physical though. He'd be lost without his brother's guidance.

-Kip Fargrim (male human) General thug. This one is a known mugger, though few report him. He's not big, but his cold hard stare intimidates a lot of people. He doesn't talk much.

-Ruben Marcel (male halfelf) This is the quick one. He'll snatch your purse & be halfway down the street before you can react. He doesn't stand up to anyone without the others. Speed and agility are his skills, and he knows it.

-Joven Rizwan (male halfling) Pickpocket extrodinaire. Don't let his innocent appearance fool you. He has more daggers hidden on his person than you can count.

-Scarlet Rosamir (female human) A flirt and a tease. She acquires things while rubbing on half drunk men. She's been known to lure strangers to secluded spots as well.

The PC's are very familiar with this gang, and have had run-ins with them several times. You don't like them, & vice-versa. They heckle & threaten at least one PC a week. They've even tried to frame you with stolen goods.

They never appear to work, but always have a few coins to spend. The Thompson twins have a place of their own, and the others crash there often. Some still live with their parents, but certainly aren't governed by them.

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