Brindol is a small city in the heart of Elsir Vale. One of the largest settlements in the vale, Brindol is a prosperous farming community and caravan stopover located along the Dawn Way (road) on the south bank of the Elsir River. Orchards of apple and pear trees follow the river's winding shores, while broad grain fields and farmlands surround the town for miles in all directions. Brindol is the home of Lord Aaron Jarmaath. His small keep and the city walls are the only fortifications of note this side of Dennovar (city 100 miles to east).
Population: 6,700; another 1,000 live within a five-mile radius of the town itself. The people of Brindol are mostly humans (69% human, 10% Half-Elf, 6% Dwarf, 5% Halfling, 5% Tiefling, 4% Elf, 1% Dragonborn). The town’s population swells by several hundred whenever some connected halfling clans known as “the river people” are in town.
Government: The city has a council of 13, two-thirds of whom are hereditary landlords and the remainder of whom are guildmasters from the city’s important trade guilds. Lord Jarmaath is the public face of the council.
Defense: Lord Warden Harrik Orenna is the political head of the Lion Guard, though many view Captain Kerden Paln as the actual leader. The Lion Guards have about 200 soldiers under arms at all times, with about one-quarter on duty at any given time. In times of crisis, the Lord Warden has access to another 200 well-equipped but poorly trained soldiers by calling up the militia. Additionally, many of the local lords and merchant houses have their own security guards.
The city is surrounded on three sides by a stone wall 20 feet tall & 10 feet thick, and the river guards the north side. There's one gate each in the east, west and south walls, and gates at each of the twin bridges in the north.
Inns: Chatrenn and Sons; The Red Door; Avandrian Hostel; The Silk and Spoon; Pantashi Inn.
Taverns: Ilya’s Cardhouse; The Marooned Schooner; Cleftie’s; Brindol Gentleman’s Club; the Blue Parrot; the Antler and Thistle.
Major Guilds: Prospectors; Blacksmiths and Smelters;
Teamsters and Farriers; Weavers; River Bargemen (halfling controlled).
Supplies: Alchemy by Adronsius; Gavriel Arms and Smithy; Staghunter Outfitters; Alpenglow Trading House.
Temples: Temple of Erathis; College of Ioun; Shrine of the Sun (Pelor); Moondust Temple (Sehanine); Shrine of Bahamut (no permanent clergy); Shrine of the Open Door (Avandra).
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