Lord Aaron Jarmaan (male human noble) Lord Aaron is a widowed man, 50 years old. His wife fell down stairs in the keep years ago and broke her neck. He has two sons and a daughter, all full grown and married now.
Though he never remarried, he’s always been fond of the ladies, perhaps even before his wife’s accident. He’s known to spend time with at least two women in Brindol, though he keeps his personal life somewhat private. Each of the ladies “rents” a small house from him.
The Jarmaan family owns a lot of property both within & outside of the city. Most of this is rental property. The one active business Lord Jarmaan has is a restaurant in Brindol, the Succulent Salmon. This is one of the finest restaurants in town, frequented by all of the city’s upper class. Whatever else Aaron might be, he’s an excellent cook.
Lord Warden Harrik Orenna (male human noble) Political leader of the Golden Lions (city guard).
Lord Eoffram Troyas (male half-elf merchant)
Lord Troyas is the newest councilmember. He's well mannered and noticably cunning in his dealings. The most liberal of the council, Troyas is swift to act. He believes in quick, well informed decisions. He's not one to ask permission before acting. He does CYA though. He hasn't gotten this far in life by screwing up. Fresh information is probably a valued commodity for this man. Troyas is the type to exchange favors, but keeps the scales tipped in his favor.
Lord Noel Prasad (male halfling merchant)
Lord Eshan Siranovic (male human noble)
Lord Sergio Wajit (male human noble)
Lord Tobin Eldahof (male human noble)
Lord Gilliam Kaal (male human merchant)
Lord Arvim Tagagol (male half-elf noble)
Lord Damon Gunter (male dwarf noble)
Lady Ariane Sanja (female tiefling merchant)
Lady Natalia Isidoro (female human noble)
Lady Maribel Kabiri (female human noble)
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