Thursday, April 30, 2009

Session 17 Recap (part 2)

Brindol seemed somewhat less lively since the heroes had last seen it. There were fewer people on the streets. Rumors told of abductions in the night among the outlying villages. People of Brindol were packing up & moving. With goblinoid attacks, talk of orc armies, midnight abductions and rumors of werewolves, the people were uncomfortable. Surely life elsewhere would be safer than the vale.

Councilman Troyas was happy to see the adventurers. News of their feats in the west had spread all the way to Brindol. He chatted briefly with them concerning recent events and suggested that Reed might stay on with them in Toradin’s absence. He never mentioned the silver haired woman, and expressed genuine ignorance when asked. The museum curator though… It was time they paid him a visit.

Sertanian was busy cleaning the museum pieces when the group arrived. He tried to smooth is apron & hair when he saw his saviors, but he still looked old & dirty. The group was led to a back room, where he had moved one of the Silver Sentinal replica pieces, a platinum longsword with a red crystal in the pommel.

The voice from the dream spoke to them. The woman was trapped in the sword and needs their help to be released. A specific ritual was required, in a specific place. She could provide the ritual and directions, but the Githzerai monastery is now inhabited by Gnolls. Evil is at work in the vale and it has woken her from a long slumber.

The journey was somewhat uneventful. It took the adventurers to Red Rock and into the Giantshield Mountains. Her directions were sketchy at times, and her communications became increasingly shorter and weaker. The party found its way though, and found a number of hazards along the way. The Gnolls had a good hideout and did not want company.

Several days out of Brindol, the heroes finally came to the fortress. A huge stone stairway led up the side of a mountain to double doors. Githzerai carvings and statues gave no doubt this was their destination. Gnolls guarded the stairs with a ghost. The ghost “possessed” the statues to attack. All were vanquished, though the gnolls hit notably harder than most foes. The gnoll weaponry was noteworthy. Two of the guards were sporting weapons made of Shadowfell steel, and Shadar-kai style. The weaponry is strange and difficult to use, even for Kava.

Session 17 Recap (part 1)

Having cleared the dwarven fortress of intruders, the heroes exited the desert. The birdman and Rosalima (the billy goat) accompanied them to Dunesend. The villagers were relieved to know the Queen’s threat was finally gone. They were much friendlier this time. The local priestess favored the strangers with some equipment upgrades.

En route to Overlook, the party came across a camp of Ironfell men-at-arms. The clan had discovered spies in their midst and sent these men to protect their interests. They escorted the adventurers back to Overlook without incidence. Along the way, the travelers overheard several rumors concerning political power struggles between some of the merchant houses and the city council. Clan Flameforge was mentioned a few times as well, usually followed by a grunt or spitting.

Bram Ironfell listened intently to everything the group had to say concerning the Karak Lode. He asked for the map, signet ring & broken sword. He paid the 3000 gold balance and promised to keep in touch regarding future profits. It will take some time to get the place operational again though.

The group relaxed a bit and made plans for the future. They explored options regarding the hidden portals beneath Overlook. A significant sum of gold was spent on rituals to exploit this potential resource. Peleus met with some of his Erathis contacts.

Then Seregdur had a strange dream (yes, the elf dreamed). A silver haired elven woman was pleading with him for help. The dream was very vivid. Even after waking, he could hear her voice. Two days later Rathos had the same dream, plus a Halfling by her side. She asked for his help with a strained voice. The next day, a messenger arrived from Brindol; the Halfling from the dream. He introduced himself as Reed. Councilman Troyas requested their company in Brindol to discuss some urgent matter. Peleus dreamed of the woman next, with Troyas this time. She mouthed silent words. Finally, Kava had the dream. It was brief. The museum curator from Brindol stood beside her this time.

Reed also brought news of Toradin’s father. He was seriously ill, potentially life threatening. Toradin stayed in Overlook to use the portal with the others (faster transportation), but lost interest in the group’s activities. He took to heavy (heavier) drinking. One night he went to the bathroom half drunk and never returned. Lost ones had taken him.

The group soon learned that a bounty was on their heads, 500 gold each. They tracked Toradin’s kidnappers to an abandoned temple of Pelor just outside town. The thugs inside were feisty, but the heroes calmed them, permanently. Toradin was rescued & one thug was spared, to warn others against such foolery.

The group then used their portal to reach the Haunted Woods south of Brindol. Everyone was home in no time.

Session 17 Rewards

Magic Items
+2 Brooch of Healing (Peleus upgrade)
+2 Cloak of Distortion (Rathos upgrade)
4 Alchemist Fire Arrows (Level 7)

3000 gp – Clan Ironfell
400 gp – Kidnappers
400 gp – Gnolls
-800 gp – Analyze Portal Ritual
-680 gp – Link Portal Ritual
-150 gp – Arcane Lock Ritual
-800 gp – various ritual castings

1375 xp each

1500 xp Secure Karak Lode Mines (Quest)
1500 xp Liberate Dunesend (Quest)
600 xp Locate kidnappers (skill)
2500 xp Kidnappers (4 dwarves, 3 dopplegangers, 2 dogs)
600 xp Navigate to Fortress (skill)
1550 xp Front steps (4 gnolls, 1 ghost)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Kark Load Mines - aftermath

The dwarves mined too deep and came across a natural rift to the Elemental Chaos. The energy burst forth from the chasm to flood the mines with it's chaotic influence. In the end, the dwarves went mad and killed each other.

The frost zombie was Parlin Ironfell. His missing greatsword, Lightbringer, is among the Naga's treasure. It is broken in half, the magic gone from it. It is easily identifiable though, and no doubt clan Ironfell will want it back. His signet ring is also there, on the Naga's tail. The ring has minor magical properties tied to the fortress and mines. The wearer can scry other rooms, open doors and portculli. It's abilities are of no value outside the fortress.

The recent inhabitants have mined all the diamonds from the upper tunnels. You have no clue where those went. The lower tunnels are subject to the chaos energy. If the rift is closed, the effect should dwindle in time. Until then, the lower mines are too dangerous to be worked. Perhaps clan Ironfell can move back in & setup shop. Magic might be employed to clean up the radiation. There is nothing more to do or learn here.

If the group returns to the village, the birdman accompanies them. Returning Jenny's pet billygoat, Rosalima, is proof enough to the villagers that the threat is gone. Fawma, priestess of Melora, offers her enchanting services as reward. Disenchanting some of the party's unused gear might provide enough residium to upgrade 1-2 items. Teregor uses his insight to determine that Fawma is not skilled enough to do these things. The birdman has taken up residence with her though. Perhaps there's more to him.

Assuming the party will be returning to Overlook, clan Ironfell will reward them 3000gold for the map, signet ring & greatsword. That leaves the PC's with a lot of cash. How will you spend it?

Session 16 Recap

Having spent a long day treking through the desert and clearing the fortress of unwanted guests, the adventurers turned in for some well deserved rest. The place appeared to be clear of trouble & secure (other than the second floor demon), but they set watches anyway. And it was a good thing they did.

Teregor heard noises in the middle of the night (day?). He grabbed Peleus, and they went to check the front gate. It was still all locked up. On their way back, five Troglodytes emerged from the barracks. Things could have been nasty for the two of them, but they reacted quickly & ran for the throne room where the others were still fast asleep. With the full party engaged, the Troglodytes were neutralized. One surrendered and was tied up for questioning in the morning.

The second floor demon turned out to be an Immolith. He had 6 skeletons in his service. Teregor charged in & scattered the undead with his turning. This left him in a bad spot. Luckily his bracers provided some resistance to fire, and several of the enemy were attacking with fire. The heroes mopped up & moved on.

The captive Troglodyte led the heroes to an empty cell in the dungeon. "We came in through here." Everyone looked around, but found nothing. The secret door was so masterfully built, the Troglodyte had to point it out to them.

A lift descended into the earth to mines. There was good mining equipment stashed here, recently used. There were bedrolls for over a dozen of the stinky lizardmen. And tunnels... The numerous tunnels twisted & turned, sloped up & down, and most were dead ends. The recent mining had stripped many of the upper tunnels of their minerals. Tracks led down several main corridors though, and the adventurers followed those.

Many of the 900 year old dwarven skeletons here lay where they fell, minus their heads. Judging from their positions, they had killed each other. What drove the clansmen to kill their own blood? That soon became apparent. Some of the rock formations throughout the lower mines had a strange red glow. They had been irradiated by energy from the Elemental Chaos. This energy, while much weaker now, must have driven the dwarves mad.

It had also affected the current residents. A dwarven zombie, a Barlgura demon, spiders and crawlers jumped the group at a major intersection. The energy had made all of them chaotic evil, and it boosted their combat abilities. The heroes found that it gave them strange sensations and confused them in combat. The group cleared the attackers & learned to avoid the glowing veins of mineral.

The frost zombie still had identifiable clothing and gear, the cold having preserved it. He appears to have been important. His weapons and 2 fingers were missing.

Pressing on, the heroes came to the lowest mines. The glowing mineral was more abundant here, leading one to believe the source was close. Rounding a corner the group came to a chasm. The same glow rose from it & magma flowed through it. But there was no time to analyze things. The true Queen of the desert wasn't very inviting. She immediately attacked with her bodyguards.

The Naga sat on a mound of dwarven skulls and rained attack on the intruders from a distance. Her Mezzodemons guarded the far side of the chasm. None of this frightened the stalwart champions though. They raced forward, leaping the chasm to attack. They gained little ground on the far side at first, and Peleus was shoved into the chasm. He fell 20 feet into pure Elemental Chaos magma. Fey step may well have saved his life.

As the fight drug on, a fourth enemy revealed itself. A large fire elemental emerged from the chasm to attack the ranged heroes in the back. It charged in blasting the three of them with fire. The forward group was left on their own as healing resources dwindled. The three meleers focused their efforts though, and enemies started dropping. The Naga was tough, but less effective in melee. She fought on for a while, but could do little. The heroes had her locked down. The two groups defeated their opponents, then stopped to catch their breath, bloodied and worn down.

Before lo

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Session 16 Rewards

+2 Hide Armor (Inner Warmth)
Strikeback Gloves
+3 Braidmail (Irrefutable)
Rushing Cleats
Dwarven Throwers
800g in raw diamonds
200g cash

1225 xp each

1900 xp Upstairs (Immolith demon & 6 skeletons)
1450 xp Sounds in the night (5 Troglodytes)
1500 xp Mines (Barlgura demon, zombie, spider swarm, 2 carrion crawlers)
2500 xp Queen (Naga, fire elemental, 2 Mezzodemons)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Session 15 Recap

So... The front door is a bad idea. The heroes follow the cliff a short distance and climb it. From the top of the cliff they find a door into the guard tower and a sinkhole, which they avoid. They bash down the door & scout the tower & gatehouse. The gate guards attack. The Troglodytes are smelly & annoying, but no real threat from within the gatehouse. One of them is bound & questioned about the fortress & other inhabitants. He gives a general overview.

The group finds harpy nests in the central courtyard. Setting the nests on fire draws out the harpies, who fight briefly and die or flee. Which puts some of the PC's by the sand pile. The ceiling has collapsed & sand has trickled in. The two carrion crawlers therein attack.

The throne room is next. Oddly, it has trees in it, but no sunlight. Queen Shephatiah and her minions attack. The cacklefiend hyenas are respectable, but everything else dies quickly. Shephatiah is captured & questioned. The eladrin woman reverts to her dryad form. She fills in blanks concerning the layout and indicates that up to two dozen more guards reside in the barracks area. Off to the barracks...

Presenting the "Queen" bound and near death, the adventurers try to persuade the remaining guards to leave peacefully. Most comply. They head for the food stores & load up for their desert trek. The gnolls however want revenge for the Warden's death and attack. Stupid gnolls. The queen calls for help briefly, but that's discouraged quickly as the queen falls to the ground dead, an arrow protruding from her wooden chest, her hands still bound.

The group sees the remaining guards out the door & locks up. They explore all of the ground floor and the dungeon. There's one prisoner locked up below, an old man with sparrow companions. He seems to be mute & harmless. He's released and given food & water.

The second floor of the fortress remains unexplored. There's supposedly a demon up there. No sign of diamond mines yet.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Session 15 Rewards

Goggles of Aura Sight
Bracers of the Perfect Shot
Bracers of Mental Might
Boots of Striding
1 Potion of Regeneration
1 Kruthik Potion

1100 xp each

1450 xp Gatehouse (5 Troglodytes)
1350 xp Courtyard (3 Harpies, 2 Carrion Crawlers)
1600 xp Throne room (Dryad, 2 Hyenas, Shifter, 5 Humans)
1300 xp Gnolls (6 Gnolls)
900 xp Barracks (6 Shifters, 6 Troglodytes, 6 Humans)

Note: Partial XP for the non-combat removal of 18 guards.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Session 14 Recap

The middle leg of the heroes’ journey took them through the Thorn Wastes, a somewhat dry land of overgrown bushes and vines. The ground vegetation has choked out most trees and stands 6+ feet tall in many places. There were a number of animal trails, but the majority were too narrow for a wagon. So, the party had to zig-zag through, hacking at the vegetation regularly to progress south.

As they approached the desert, movement was spotted in the bushes, but the satyr disappeared and fled before the party could react. Near the village, a scream was heard, which ended abruptly. The adventurers cleared the tangle of plants to see a small farming community on the edge of the desert. Most of the villagers were gathered near the fire pit.

A large Gnoll (with a Behir mount and various lackies) was addressing the villagers. One man lay dead at the Gnoll’s feet, his head crushed by a huge bloody flail. The “Warden” was here to collect tribute (food & water) from the village, but was disappointed in their contribution. He killed the man as a warning to the rest. When the strangers (PC’s) proved uncooperative and not so humble, the Warden ordered them dead too.

The villagers quickly ran for cover as the battle ensued. Satyrs struck from behind while the Gnolls and Behir engaged the outsiders from the front. The fighting went on for several minutes with both sides taking a beating. The Behir even tried to eat Toradin. The heroes had healing on their side though & outlasted the tyrant and his fools.

The villagers were not pleased. “The Queen will send more agents. Where will you be when they come with their vengeance?” Most of them wandered off and refused to speak with the outsiders. The dead man’s wife and children mourned their loss. There were a few courageous souls though. The village elder explained the situation and offered the adventurers shelter for the night. The Halfling baker (with the outrageous accent) offered them food. And little Jenny asked the great warriors to rescue her pet billy goat, Rosalima.

This village was obviously built on the ruins of a dwarven settlement (the Karak supply depot?). A lone tower is the only remaining structure. Many of the current “buildings” sit on ancient foundations.

The trek through the desert would be a rough one. The wagon was left in the village and the heroes packed as much food and water as they could comfortably carry. Then they struck out. The map led them from one geographical marker to another. Seregdur did an excellent job navigating the wasteland with nothing but the sun to discern directions. The group quickly shifted to night-time travel and rested during the day.

A day and a half out, near one of the last markers, the adventurers spotted a patrol approaching. Half a dozen shifters and a woman (hag) descended on them without a word. The woman shrieked at the party several times, but they died in silence for the most part.

Pressing on, the heroes finally came to a fortress, the last landmark on the map and hopefully the Karak mines. The dwarven towers and battlements still stood 900+ years later, carved into the side of a low cliff. The only obvious entrance is a gauntlet between two towers, with many arrow slits and a portcullis guarding a sturdy looking stone door some 80-100 feet in.

Paleus: “If that’s guarded, it’s suicide to attempt entry through the front door.”

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Session 14 Rewards

+2 Scale Armor (Dwarven)
600 gp

725 xp each

2250 xp Dunesend (3 gnolls, 3 satyrs, 1 behir)
1800 xp Desert patrol (1 hag, 5 shifters)
300 xp Navigating the desert (skill)