Thursday, October 1, 2009

Session 33 Recap

The Githyanki assault on the monastery had been raging all day. The third war galley was a wreck and bodies were everywhere. By the time the adventurers arrived, the Githyanki had breached the walls in a couple places. Githzerai were fighting desperately to hold those breaches. And the avalanche defense atop the cliff was still unused.

The heroes first visited the cliff overlooking the monastery. They beat down nearly a dozen githyanki guarding the defense mechanism, and even threw several off the cliff. Despite damage to the release levers, the avalanche was released and many Githyanki below perished under tons of rock. The front gate was now half buried, and the bulk of the attacking forces were slain or scared off.

As the heroes descended to the battlefield, they noticed a group of attackers on the north side, hiding near the ship wreckage. As they approached, chanting could be heard. A ritualist was attempting to open a magical passage in the monastery wall. That ritual was never finished.

The only large group of Githyanki left were forcing their way into a wall breach on the south side. The Githzerai there were badly wounded and wouldn't have held out much longer. The adventurers dropped in on them from a higher level and tore up most of the marines. This group used better tactics though and put up a good fight. The Githyanki captain put a hurtin on Anderson. The remaining Githyanki in the field scattered and fled when their captain went down.

The Githyanki had learned about the meeting of the Githzerai elders here and made a good attempt at wiping them out. Over 100 Githzerai lost their lives, with fewer than 50 surviving. An assassin/spy struck from within moments before the attack began. Two of the three Githzerai elders were lost.

Odos of the House of Reprisal survived. This old blind (?) man is the only remaining leader in the mortal world. He has promised to attend a meeting (regarding the Githyaki attacks) in Sayre (a nearby Human city). His people may be able to avoid the rest of this war if they return to the Astral Sea.

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