Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Session 13 Recap

From the library, the brave adventurers moved to the central hall of Sarshan's tower. They got the drop on 4 Shadar-kai guards, including captain Thannos. As they wailed on the guards, one ran for help. The rest were put down just as re-enforcements arrived. The six guards made for a more difficult battle, but a small challenge for heroes. Then Sarshan arrived, porting back to the second floor of the tower, with more guards and panthers.

Outnumbered and possibly outmatched now, the adventurers agreed to a momentary truce to discuss the situation. An amazing bluff convinced Sarshan that they had followed Modra into the tower, and he's still here, somewhere. Impressed with their skill Sarshan offered them possible employ in his organization, if they helped find & kill Modra. During this conversation, Sarshan hinted that he already knew of the party. He was aware of their presence in Overlook, and that they have been after Modra for a few days.

The adventurers were left to guard the central hall, while Sarshan and his guards searched the rest of the tower. Several Gnolls were spotted joining the search. Then things got interesting. The volcano decided to blow. The ground tremors became near constant and more violent. Structures started to crumble. Tunnels colapsed. The party quickly exited through the foundry & made their way for the portal room. They picked up a few mercenaries along the way (the nicer races) for evacuation. The portal room was about to cave in as they ran through. Seconds after crossing to Overlook, the portal exploded with necrotic energy, the Shadowfell room obviously destroyed. The energy pulled 6 shadows into the room, but the heroes quickly put them to rest.

Once settled back in Overlook, the party began digging through the library data they had collected. There were several Elsir Vale history books and old maps. One map in particular caught their attention. It had few markings, but did bear the symbol of clan Ironfell. Could it related to the Karak Load Mines (legendary diamond mines from centuries ago)?

A visit to clan Ironfell (Overlook merchant/jewelry family) sparked further interest and sponsors for a search of the desert. 3000g upfront. 3000g & 1% of profits if the party can locate & secure the mines. The adventurers left a few days later loaded with water & provisions. The journey took them south along the edge of the forest. Two days out they were jumped by clan Flameforge dwarves (and a hell hound). Clan Flameforge caught wind of the desert expedition and a possible map to the Karak Load Mines. The greedy clan should have sent more men.

The heroes continued southward to the edge of the desert and the small village of Dunesend...

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