Friday, February 20, 2009

The Hammers of Overlook

The Hammers are the military, city guard and police force of Overlook. They handle all martial actions required to defend the city, from within & without. The Hammers are a long-standing organization dating back to the building of the city hundreds of years ago. There is a lot of tradition and a rigid organizational structure. The Hammers all wear dark gray tunics with a white/silver hammer (of Moradin) on the chest.

The Hammers aren’t the high and noble force they once were. Centuries of big city life have taken their toll. Membership is still limited to male dwarves born and raised in the city, but the character of those members is sometimes questionable. The Hammers have a “good old boy” network and mentality. Dwarves are favored; minor crimes overlooked; information shared; favors exchanged. “Outsiders” (anyone else) are handled with a different standard.

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